This week has been working on tours in rural areas , thanks to all the people who help us we have been able to go out to fulfill some commitments.

Lenses and medicines were delivered to people who needed them thanks to the support of our friends and comrades Isaías López and Hermandad de la Baja A C.

We received support of the NAN Milk powder product from our fellow Angeles del Cortez , A C.

We received a sack of croquettes with which pets were fed in some ranches. Supported medical and rehabilitation treatments , various medical supplies , Clothing , Footwear and household items in remote vulnerable areas.

Thanks to Jefferson Copernicos and Barbara Rips for their time, Auto and Fuel on the tours.

Thanks to you anonymous donor you just come to donate, it’s how we keep working.

Fundación Azul Cerralvo

We formed as a support group since 2006 and after 11 years of community work we legalized and constituted ourselves as a non-profit civil association. In 2020 we obtained our license as an authorized donee.

Do You have Question? Call Or Visit us.

Calle Domicilio Conocido S/N colonia El Sargento C.P. 23232 La Paz, Baja California Sur